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Plásticos Automotrices

El alto rendimiento de un automóvil exige piezas que lo soporten todo. Los plásticos funcionan desde el motor hasta el chasis y desde el interior hasta el exterior. En la actualidad, los plásticos para automóviles representan aproximadamente el 50 % del volumen de un vehículo ligero nuevo, pero menos del 10 % de su peso.

HSPP / Propileno Termoestabilizado

HSPP Atomer ®

Elegant Lab

HSPP Atomer®

Refined by molecular distillation after the reaction between neo-polyhydric alcohol and saturated straight/branched-chain fatty acids. Some HH's refrigerating machine oils formulated with these POE ester base oils have been successfully applied to refrigeration compressors in main engine plants. It has excellent mutual solubility and compatibility with new environment-friendly refrigerants. POE Polyol Ester Base Oils have excellent hydrolytic stability.

Type Application MI (g/10min) Izod impact strength (kg·cm/cm) Tensile strength at yield (MPa) Elongation at yield (%) Flexural modulus (MPa) Examples Characteristics
ASTM D1238 ASTM D256 ASTM 638 ASTM D638 ASTMD638
BH3310 Injection 4 ˃ 50 (NB) 22 ˃ 400 1120 Automobile applications, Home appliances, Industrial parts for electronic Very high impact strength
BH3500 Injection 10 ˃ 50 (NB) 21 ˃ 400 1150 Automobile applications, Home appliances, Industrial parts for electronic Very high impact strength
BH3600 Injection 15 ˃ 50 (NB) 21 ˃ 400 1150 Automobile applications, Home appliances, Industrial parts for electronic Very high impact strength
BH3820 Injection 28 ˃ 50 (NB) 18 ˃ 300 900 Automobile applications, Home appliances, Industrial parts for electronic Very high impact strength
BH3800 Injection 28 ˃ 50 (NB) 19 ˃ 200 1100 Automobile applications, Home appliances, Industrial parts for electronic Very high impact strength
BH3910 Injection 60 ˃ 50 (NB) 18 ˃ 200 850 Automobile applications, Home appliances, Industrial parts for electronic Very high impact strength

R-TPO / Poliolefina Termoplástica de Reactor


Elegant Lab


Refined by molecular distillation after the reaction between neo-polyhydric alcohol and saturated straight/branched-chain fatty acids. Some HH's refrigerating machine oils formulated with these POE ester base oils have been successfully applied to refrigeration compressors in main engine plants. It has excellent mutual solubility and compatibility with new environment-friendly refrigerants. POE Polyol Ester Base Oils have excellent hydrolytic stability.

Type Application MI (g/10min) Izod impact strength (kg·cm/cm) Tensile strength at yield (MPa) Elongation at yield (%) Flexural modulus (MPa) Examples Characteristics
ASTM D1238 ASTM D256 ASTM 638 ASTM D638 ASTMD638
BR770 Injection 21 ˃ 50 16 ˃ 400 750 Automobile applications. Industrial parts for electronic, Ultra high Impact Strength, flexibility

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